Sarath Chandra B

Principal Conservation Architect

Documenting architectural heritage has been a passion for Sarath since his years at graduate school at the Department of Architecture, PDA College of Engineering. This further inspired him to convert his passion into a profession through specialization in Architectural Conservation at School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi (2004). Later, he interned at ICCROM, Rome in the Living Heritage Sites Programme. Sarath has been instrumental in setting up and leading the Technical team of Hampi World Heritage Area Management Authority (HWHAMA). He further worked with the Vijayanagara Punaschetana Trust (VPP Trust), Department of Tourism in establishing an Interpretation centre at Hampi.

Whilst his term at ICCROM taught him conservation from a global standpoint, his experience in working at the grassroots towards managing the Hampi World Heritage Site garnered him with an understanding of the complexity of heritage management in India. With this unique experience, he established GN Heritage Matters in 2012.

Sarath also plays the role of Project Manager for Deccan Heritage Foundation (DHF), an international NGO dedicated to the protection and promotion of the cultural heritage of Deccan, and is responsible for grounding its mandate.

Institutionalizing conservation practice through a value based approach amongst all stakeholders of heritage, as a means for development is his key interest.